Ricky drove us to the train on friday. There were a lot of peps due to the striking pilots of SAS. After a looong trip with a constantly babbling hag on the phone at the seat just behind us we arrived at Arlanda. We managed to find the transfer shuttle to Collect hotel where we spent the night. We also had a most delicious hamburger at the hotel for dinner. When the evening came I began to feel some sore throat…

Of course… when the morning cames I couldn’t swollow. That’s my vacation… When we arrived at Frankfurt my head started to hurt also. Time for some alvedon and a nap! When i woke up I had some coffe and started to feel better.
It was really bad weather at the time for our depature, plenty of black clouds in the sky. The pilots waited a long while on the runway before take off… and that turned out to be a hell of a rollercoster with the children cheering and laughing and the adults doing something completly different.
We landed in time, got our luggage and headed to the transfer wich would take oss to interrentand our car. And holy crap, it turned out to be a brand new polo!

We did some foodshopping before we headed to Son bou and the villa Romani.